This month I thought I’d share one of my non-musical (and non-feline!) obsessions with you: listening to podcasts.
If you haven’t yet explored the vast world of podcasting, I highly recommend you do. Podcasts are like radio-style talk & music shows that you can download and listen to through your smartphone or your computer.
The big advantage of podcasts over traditional media sources (like terrestrial radio & TV) is that you can find incredibly UNIQUE content on virtually any subject, all for free and available for you to listen to at ANY TIME — totally on your own schedule.
My favorite time to listen to podcasts is when I have chores to do around the house (you know, like the hours I spend hand-washing cat food bowls & filing song lyrics). I also download podcasts to keep me company on tour — especially on those long stretches of Highway 5 where I can’t find a decent radio station!
People make podcasts about virtually every subject you can imagine. Some are video podcasts, though I prefer audio podcasts, as I like to multi-task while listening. Here’s a few of my favorites:
WTF with Marc Maron – I never miss an episode of WTF! Marc Maron is one of my favorite comedians, and his podcast tackles life’s most important philosophical questions (e.g., WTF?!). Marc thoughtfully interviews comedians of all stripes, celebrity guests, and the neurotic voices in his own head in a way that makes millions of listeners, including myself, feel not-so-alone in our own struggles. Warning: Explicit Content.
The Serial Killers Podcast – I know, I know — Why am I listening to this?! The same reason I love crime TV shows — because serial killers are creepily fascinating! Brian Combs explores the history, psychopathy, and psychosis of serial murderers, and while Brian is new to broadcasting, the content is always riveting.
The Moth – This podcast features people telling true, engaging, funny, and poignant stories from their lives, all in front of a live audience. I love it!
I highly recommend WNYC’s Radiolab, wonderfully entertaining and enticing!
I LOVE Radiolab — that’s a great one! Another I’ve been into recently is Snap Judgment — have you heard it?