It’s with a heavy heart that I let you know that Indy, my beloved kitty and constant companion for 16 years, passed away from chronic kidney disease early Friday morning.
Indy and I enjoyed 16 wonderful years together, full of laughter, singing, meowing, purring, and lots & lots of cuddling.
We spent our last evening together cuddled up on the couch, watching “The Big Lebowski” with hubby Andrew and our dear friend Ilene. Andrew and I did our best to comfort Indy throughout the night, and when it appeared that he was suffering, I picked him up and cradled him in my arms. He passed away within a few minutes, and I laid him on the bed and said my final goodbyes.
Indy’s spirit has always been larger than life, and it’s hard to believe that he’s gone. Indy’s little sister Pumpkin has been very comforting throughout our ordeal — always quick to jump on my lap for a cuddle.
Thank you for all of the kindness and words of support you’ve been sharing with me — I appreciate it so very much.